Awarding Coordinators performance bonuses creates unsafe practices which in turn causes injuries in the oilfield.
Find out how Spurgeon Law Firm’s attorneys are fighting this problem
What are performance bonuses?
A performance bonus is a form of additional compensation paid to an employee or department as a reward for achieving specific goals or hitting predetermined targets. A performance bonus is compensation beyond normal wages and is typically awarded after a performance appraisal and analysis of projects completed by the employee over a specific period of time.
Why performance bonuses are bad
The relationship between Coordinator performance bonuses and injury to oilfield workers are easily linkable. This link is found by studying the relationship between Coordinator’s performance bonuses and the means which they achieve their intended results. Everyone knows that time is money in the oilfield and in order to maximum revenue for a company Coordinator’s must make decisions that aren’t in the best interest of their employees but rather in the best interest of their own financial gain. Often time these decisions are ones that cut corners to save money or ones which places undue burdens on their employees; requiring them to perform their duties in not ideal situations. Examples of such are turn-a-round jobs where an employee gets off of one job and turns around to start another job. This task is physically and emotionally demanding on the employee. Turn-a-rounds are usually due to the company trying to save costs in transportation or due to lack of qualified personnel available.
Another example is where coordinators call and wake up employees late at night to go on a job offshore. When this situation occurs, Coordinators are not considering the safety risk that is created by requiring an employee to drive long distances on barely any sleep in order to satisfy the client and drive up revenue. Why should coordinators be concerned? The more revenue they make for the company the bigger their performance bonus will be.
Performance bonuses create a “Me First” Mentality
Plans that primarily provide bonuses for division vs. company-wide performance can promote a “me first” behavior. That is the company’s success and safety comes secondary to an individual’s own financial success. Under these plans, coordinators may go to extremes to promote their division at the expense of the whole company, which in turn causes the company to suffer. Specifically, coordinators focus more on making their pocket books fat instead of the concerns and problems their employees are complaining about. This in turn creates an unreasonably dangerous condition or unlikely position for the employee.
Spurgeon Law Firm fights for injured employees
At the end of the day companies are responsible for the safety of their employees. Always remember to put your safety first. Your safety, and not the company’s profits, should be your number one concern. Don’t let the greed of a coordinator jeopardize your safety. The attorneys at Spurgeon Law Firm have worked in the oilfield and know the dangers that oilfield workers face. If you have been injured give us a call. We will fight for you and seek the maximum compensation you deserve. Call us today at 318-224-2222.